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Vanessa Garza

Picadillo like your moms’

10/10 Keep scrolling for full recipe in English! <3


1 Ib carne molida

4 tomates

1/3 cebolla blanca

3 ajos enteros

2 chiles chipotles en lata

2 tazas caldo de pollo

1 cda oredano/meiorana

1/2 cdta comino

1 cda SAL MALDON (si usas sal de arano/knorr porfavor no me le vavas a poner el cucharadon, gracias.)


Carne molida:

5 papitas cambrav (o 1 papa blanca)

3 zanahorias medianas

Aceite de oliva

Sal y pimienta, al gusto

Como hacer:

En la licuadora agrega, tomates, chipotle, mejorana, cebolla, ajo, caldo de pollo, sal y pimienta, licua hasta tener un caldo de tomate y reserva. En una olla mediana, agrega aceite de oliva y carne molida, cocina por aproximadamente 5 minutos, a fuego medio alto, deshaciendo la carne con tu cucharon de madera. O lo que tengas. Agrega tu zanahoria y papa picada, sazona con sal y pimienta y lleva a cocinar por 5 minutos más antes de agregar tu caldo. Una vez agregado el caldo de tomate, tapado lo dejamos cocinando de 20-25 minutos. Dependiendo de la consistencia que busques, a mi me gusta así caldosito rico.

Haz click aquí para video con paso a paso.



1 Ib ground beef

4 tomatoes

1/3 white onion

3 whole garlic cloves

2 canned chipotle peppers

2 cups chicken broth

1 tbsp oredano/meiorana

1/2 tsp cumin

1 tbsp MALDON SALT (if you use arano/knorr salt, please don't put a spoonful in it, thank you.)


Ground meat:

5 fingerling potatoes (or 1 white potato)

3 medium carrots

Olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

How to make:

In the blender add in your tomatoes, chipotle, marjoram, onion, garlic, chicken broth, salt and pepper, blend until you have a tomato broth and set aside. In a medium pot, add olive oil and ground beef, cook for approximately 5 minutes, over medium-high heat, breaking up the meat with your wooden ladle. Or whatever you have on hand. Add your carrot and chopped potato, season with salt and pepper and cook for 5 more minutes before adding i your broth. Once the tomato broth is added, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Depending on the consistency you are looking for, I like it rich and brothy.

Click here for step-by-step recipe video.







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